
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagn'nagl fhtagn ("In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."). --HP Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu

The stars hath turned in the heavens once more: Mighty Cthulhu stirs. His dreams reacheth forth, communing with those with ears to hear. Iä! Shub-Niggurath! His thoughts trample down along the pathways of thy mind; thou knowest His footprints, each of which is a wound...

Monday, August 02, 2004

Friggin Bunch of Idiots

Blogging is part catharsis, part information dissemination.

If I want real therapy, I can always hit the bottle (and I do, dear mortals, I do).

But every now and again comes information that is timely, vital, and completely ignored by mainstream television media:

So in early 2002, when Mr. German got word that a group of Americans might be plotting support for an overseas Islamic terrorist group, he proposed to his bosses what he thought was an obvious plan: go undercover and infiltrate the group.

But Mr. German says F.B.I. officials sat on his request, botched the investigation, falsified documents to discredit their own sources, then froze him out and made him a "pariah."

Thankfully, Patridiot Watch was on the prowl, and so this NYT article didn't slip by. So now, the other reason for blogging: To spread the word...

Soon after raising his complaints about the 2002 terrorism investigation, he was removed from the case. And, he said, F.B.I. officials wrongly accused him of conducting unauthorized travel, stopped using him to train agents in "proactive techniques" and shut him out of important domestic terrorism assignments.

Too bad Mr German isn't alone.

Sibel Edmonds has been covered in many arenas, but
here's a link for a quick refresher. Short version: She blew the whistle on gross incompetence and deliberate mismanagement within the FBI, exposing their disgusting and willful failure to fight the War on Terra®.

Both Mr German and Ms Edmonds are lucky: They didn't have to die to be proven right, unlike poor
John O'Neill:

"What John O'Neill was trying to do was get a momentum going in the FBI to look seriously for those cells," [Richard] Clarke says. "It was not one of the priorities in most FBI field offices."

John O'Neill quit the FBI in disgust, and became head of security at the World Trade Center:

According to Chris Isham, O'Neill recognized the threat still posed to the World Trade Center. "When he had first gotten the job at the World Trade Center, he told me, 'I've got this great job. I'm head of security at the World Trade Center.' And I joked with him and said, 'Well, that will be an easy job. They're not going to bomb that place again.' And he said, 'Well actually -- he immediately came back and he said, 'actually they've always wanted to finish that job. I think they're going to try again'."

(John O'Neill was on the 34th floor of the North Tower when it collapsed, September 11th, 2001.)

The FBI has been bungling and dropping the ball, deliberately at times, and quashing those within who are trying to protect all of us. And they've been doing it for years, for purely political reasons.

Hoover must be spinning in his dress.

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